EDUSC Cursillo Grand Ultreya

Saturday, May 7, 2022
Under the Oaks at Trinity Cathedral

We’ll gather at 3:30 pm and expect to end at 7:00 pm.  Join us for music, worship, fellowship, and great food!  The cost is $15, paid on arrival.  If you plan to attend, please contact Emery Clark at

Ultreya is a Spanish word, derived from Latin, meaning “Onward!” It is used in the Cursillo community to encourage each other on our faith journeys. Cursillo is a ministry in the Episcopal church (and other denominations) that emphasizes relationship, evangelism, and reconciliation in the home, the parish, the community, and the world. Cursillo offers a time to experience living in a supportive Christian community. Learn more at  The EDUSC Cursillo Council welcomes everyone to this event, not just people who have been to Cursillo. So invite your friends.

Learn more about this and other important updates in this week’s church newsletter: The Epistle – May 5, 2022

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