Welcome to St. John's, where visitors are always welcome. There is a place for you and your family in our warm and joyful congregation, and we hope that you will worship with us and become part of the Body of Christ in this place.
Sunday Gatherings
Sunday is our traditional day of worship, and the Holy Eucharist (also called Communion and the Lord’s Supper) is our principal act of worship. All baptized Christians are invited to receive Communion at the Lord’s Table. The Book of Common Prayer guides our services, which are liturgical and sacramental in nature.
Our 8:00 service is quieter and more intimate than our later service and uses the traditional language of Rite I. The early service includes some organ music and a closing hymn.
The 10:30 service is enriched by our Chancel Choir and other ensembles, including Selah, an acoustic, contemporary group that plays about once a month. The later service is a family-friendly, warmly traditional liturgy.
We are located at 2827 Wheat Street, Columbia, SC 29205.
Common Questions
Connect with Us!
Once here, we encourage you to complete a welcome card, found in the pew. Introduce yourself to one of the clergy or a greeter after worship and join us for lemonade and coffee on the patio. We offer a Newcomers Class and Welcome of Baptized Members twice a year. We want to welcome you to this church, answer your questions, and offer you opportunities to serve and learn in the name of Christ. Please come and grow in Christ with us.