Welcome Home
St. John's is an Episcopal Church, rooted in the catholic faith as renewed by the reformation of the Church of England. Our Anglican tradition includes worship from the Book of Common Prayer, beautiful music, and hopes for a lively, loving parish community. We manifest a spirit of intellectual inquiry, as well as faithfulness to the Scriptures, Creeds, and traditions of the church. St. John’s is also marked by a concern for the world beyond the walls of our church. We have long relationships of service with Hand Middle School, Finlay House senior housing, in Haiti and Ecuador, and with ministries that feed the hungry in Columbia.
St. John’s is rooted in Christ and follows Him in:
We value friendship, family, love, and compassion.
We mark our common life through time-honored celebrations.
We give of ourselves.
We treasure our living tradition.
Our ministry began in 1912, at the corner of Wheat and Holly, as a church planted for the new suburb of Shandon. More than a century later, St. John’s is a parish of about 1000 members, drawn from from all over Columbia, with healthy ministries of formation for children, youth, and adults. St. John’s has enjoyed long and fruitful relationships with its clergy and has staff members for major areas of our ministry, in addition to two full-time priests. Our facilities are composed of the church itself, Heyward Hall (classrooms, music suite, and offices), and the Barr Center (gym and kitchen).
We are a parish of the Diocese of Upper South Carolina and share in its mission to “make, equip, and send mature disciples of Christ.” St. John’s is well-represented in the wider life of church, as frequent participants in summer camp at Gravatt, Kanuga retreats, diocesan youth ministry, and in the mission and governance of the diocese.
There is much to be part at St. John’s and through St. John’s, in thriving programs, guilds, mission trips, and ministry teams. Yet we are also an intimate community in which you can know others and be known to them, as the Holy Spirit reveals the Body of Christ in this place. We mean for our life together to enable us to live in holiness and love, as followers of Christ in our daily lives.
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