St. John’s Servant Ministry Budget

Servant Ministry

Each year our church contributes money to a number of agencies that feed the hungry, assist those in financial crisis, address homelessness, and care for the elderly, what we call Servant Ministry at St. John’s. That name remembers that Christ identified himself as one who came to serve and give his life for many, which is also the calling of Christian. The Vestry, our governing body, approved a 2024 Servant Ministry budget at its May meeting. Details are below. Funds are distributed throughout the year. A portion of your giving to our church helps meet these great needs as we work and give together in Christ’s name.

Fresh Start $2400
Fresh Start is a ministry of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in the Waverly neighborhood of Columbia. Laundry, food and other services are provided. See to learn more. 

Harvest Hope Food Bank $3000
South Carolina’s largest food bank, providing over 50,000 meals a week for those suffering from hunger.

The Cooperative Ministry $1500
Created by churches, the Cooperative Ministry exists to increase the economic self-sufficiency of people experiencing poverty in the Midlands through crisis assistance and sustainability programs.

St. Lawrence Place $500
Part of Homeless No More, St. Lawrence Place is a community offering support services, classes, and up to two years of housing for families experiencing homelessness.

Family Promise $5000
Family Promise helps families experiencing homelessness achieve sustainable independence. While our guest families work toward that goal, congregations in the faith-based community provide them with temporary shelter and hospitality.

Helping Hands Ministry $6000
A weekend food program of our church, serving students at Hand Middle School. 20-30 weekend food kits are sent home each week of the school year, as well as special food boxes at Christmas. These funds buy food. 

The Friendship $1000
Bringing together members age 50 and older and volunteers, The FriendShip provides programs and services including transportation, home maintenance assistance, and opportunities for social engagement to enable members to age in place.

Learn more about other important updates in the latest church newsletter: The Epistle – June 27, 2024

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